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2010 National FOD/OAA Metabolic Conference

Updated: Dec 26, 2023

Our 2010 conference was held in Atlanta, Georgia. Our Premier Sponsor was Vitaflo and our Host was Emory University School of Medicine and the Southeast NBS & Genetics Collaborative.

Atlanta, GA ~ July 30-31, 2010

For all of those who were unable to attend our conference this July, we are posting the PowerPoint slides (converted to PDF for easier viewing) from our Speaker presentations, as well our Sponsors, Agenda and brief professional biographies.

Our turnout again this year was great (about 65 FOD, 75 OAA, @20 professionals) and we hope that our next conference in 2 years will have an even larger attendance! We will let you know if we are successful at finding a major sponsor to help us offer another great Conference. Your suggestions for location, speakers, and topics are always appreciated (email to

I want to personally THANK all of our Speakers for sharing their expertise and knowledge of FODs and related family and newborn screening issues. Families came away from this conference with ALOT to think about, as well as having the opportunity to connect with other families around the world dealing with many similar issues. This year, because of a very generous anonymous donation, we were able to offer scholarships that assisted Families with registration, travel, and hotel costs ~ and we had one MCAD Family from Iceland and one GA2/MADD Family from Australia attend!

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Some of the Speaker Presentations are large so give them time to load completely.


Our 2010 FOD Speakers and Joint FOD/OAA Speakers

Rani H Singh, PhD, RD

Associate Professor Dept of Human Genetics Emory University School of Medicine Atlanta, GA

Presentation: 'Nutritional Management Guidelines for Inborn Errors of Metabolism'

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Mark Korson, MD

Chief, Metabolism Service Tufts Medical Center Boston, MA

Presentation: 'A Crisis in Care: Advances in Metabolic Education and Awareness'

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Gail Nuse, SLP

Speech & Language Pathologist Private Practice Atlanta, GA

Presentation: 'Communication and Feeding: Sensory, Oral and Motor Strategies'

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Jerry Vockley, MD, PhD

Chief of Medical Genetics Division of Medical Genetics Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh of UPMC Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Presentation: 'Emerging Treatments for FOD: Fact and fiction'

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Fran Dougherty Kendall, MD

Virtual Medical Practice, LLC Clinical Office Alpharetta, GA

Presentation: 'Mitochondrial Disease: An Overview'

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Stephan Kahler, MD

Professor, Genetics and Metabolism Section Dept of Pediatrics University of Arkansas for Medical services Little Rock, AR

Presentation: 'Autism, Learning Difficulties, and Behavior Issues in metabolic disorders

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Andrea Gropman, MD, FAAP, FACMG

Associate Professor of Neurology and Pediatrics Department of Neurology Children's National Medical Center Washington, DC

Presentation: 'Neurological complications of FODs and OAs: What parents need to know about diagnosis, monitoring, and management'

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Craig Goodmark, JD

Director, TeamChild Atlanta Project Atlanta Legal Aid Atlanta, GA

Presentation: 'Special Education: The Legal Framework, Building an IEP, and What to do when the Team disagrees'

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Jennifer Sloan, PhD, MS, CGC

Protocol Coordinator & Genetic Counselor NHGRI/NIH Bethesda, MD

Presentation: 'Family, Sibling, and Transition Issues and Strategies when Living with a Chronic Disorder'

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Muhammed Ali Pervaiz, MD

Clinical Biochemical Genetics Fellow Dept of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology Mayo School of Graduate Medical Education Rochestor, MN

Presentation: 'Fatty acid Oxidation Disorders: A Case Study'

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Carla Cuthbert, PhD, FACMG, FCCMG

Chief, Newborn Screening Quality Assurance Program Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Atlanta, GA

Presentation: 'Newborn Screening and Diagnosis of FODs'

Download PDF • 229KB


Kristen Vanags

President, Georgia PKU Connect Atlanta, GA

Presentation: 'Medical Foods Advocacy'

Download PDF • 5.67MB


THANK YOU also to The Emory University School of Medicine for being our Host and to VitafloUSA for being our Premier Sponsor! Thank you also to ALL the CDC Volunteers that helped in the Children's Activity Room ~ you did a terrific job! We learned a great deal about FODs from our Conference Speakers, as well as having a great time networking with other FOD/OAA Families and Professionals from around the world. Hope to see you again in 2012!

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