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Love Messages

In Memory of My 'Love Bug'

yellow rose held by hand

This is a tribute to my little Love Bug. Nolan was my only Nephew, a true Angel among us. The privilege of loving him is the greatest gift the Lord could have given me. Nolan looked at us all through God’s eyes and when Nolan had done the work he was sent to do he left us just as grand as he came.

I love this poem and I think it’s appropriate for all of us who have lost a dear loved one. I do not know the author but who ever wrote it—thank you.

~Aunt Shantel

God’s Garden

God looked around his garden and 

He found an empty place. 

He then looked down upon this earth, 

and saw your tired face. 

He put His arms around you 

and lifted you to rest. 

God’s garden must be beautiful 

He always takes the best.

He knew that you were suffering; 

He knew you were in pain. 

He knew that you would never 

get well on earth again. 

He saw the road was getting rough

and the hills were hard to climb. 

So He closed your weary eyelids 

and whispered, “Peace be thine.” 

It broke our hearts to lose you 

but you didn’t go alone 

For part of us went with you 

the day God called you home.

Author Unknown 

Nolan L. Mitchell

8/8/04 – 5/16/05 

“Peace be thine”

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