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Love Messages

In Loving Memory ~ Our Alyssa

yellow rose held by hand

Alyssa Jenna-Ann Boucher “La-La”

Born~November 18, 1999 

Born into Eternal Life~July 22, 2000

The smallest fingers, and tiniest toes

Your pouty lips and button nose

A smile that always melted our hearts

We will always remember.

Soft skin like satin, and the bluest eyes

Red hair of an angel up in the sky

A laugh that always made us smile

We will always remember.

You were a gift that graced our lives

A joyous little girl no one could deny

And in our hearts you will always be

Forever for us to remember.

And now our arms seem so heavy

Even though you’re gone

But in our hearts you’ll always stay

It is where you belong.

So as time passes we know you’ll be

Always watching over our hearts

And maybe one day we’ll have our answers

Why so suddenly we had to part.

I hope you know how much you were loved

As tears fall from our eyes

That always remembered, you will be

Our sweet La-La.


Written by ~ William Boucher, Alyssa’s dad

Alyssa Jenna-Ann Boucher“La-La”

Alyssa’s Headstone

Here she is our baby girl

The one we love so much

We long to see her smile again

And of course to feel her touch

She brought joy to all she knew

When she smiled and laughed out loud

And now in Heaven she rests her head

Upon a fluffy cloud

Now even though our hearts are heavy

We must now look above

And know that when we think of her

All that she knew was love

~ William Boucher, dad ~

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