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Love Messages

Anything is Possible

yellow rose held by hand

My 3 month old brother has tought us that any thing is Possible.

He was in the hopitel because his heart was hurt.

The Docters did not know what to do.

The Prest came to do last writes.

But my mommy and daddy said NO And instend they blessed him.

And the next day his heart started healing.

He stayed in the Hospitel for 2 months.

He is almost 2 now and he is running around the house getting in trouble.

He likes to dance on top of the dining room table.

We learned why he had a heart attak.

Because he has a disorder called fatty acid oxidation.

His body can not brake down fats to use for energy.

Now my mommy is working to try to get all newborn babies tested for Fatty Acid Oxidation. If they find out a baby has it they can change his diet so he won’t have a heart attak. My mom said it will take a miracle to get this test added to New Yorks newborn screening program. But because of my baby brother Brett I believe anything is possible.

Even miracles.

This was written in December 1999 by my 8-year-old daughter, Morgan, sister to Brett (VLCAD), for a school writing assignment.

ABOUT US > is a worldwide resource for families, friends, clinicians, researchers and others who would like to support, educate and provide a forum for those whose lives have been touched by a Fatty acid Oxidation Disorder.



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