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Educational Info

Below are several links to sites which may be of help in determining how to handle your children’s needs when it comes to their education. Please keep in mind that laws regarding rights and procedures may vary by state.


Transitional Issues


Educational Discussions

Below are educational discussions from members of the FOD Family Support Group which may be of help in determining how to handle your children’s educational needs. Please keep in mind that laws regarding rights and procedures may vary by state.


If your FOD child is entering the public school system and you want a 504 plan in place you should contact your school district’s special ed or special services director to set up a meeting to voice your concerns. You may request to have the school’s principal, nurse, and kindergarten teacher at the meeting to go over the protocol you want followed in case of a problem with your child…i.e. signs of low blood sugar, how to handle it, who to notify, etc. The formal protocol letter and a written statement from the family would be helpful … (contacts and phone numbers, notify of illness occurring in that particular classroom). Make it as detailed as you want.


A Section 504 is for children who have a significant problem that affects a major life skill, in this case, school. Problems can be illnesses, motor delays, etc. If my son did not have a 504 for the speech and fine motor delays that is under special ed services, he would have a 504 for his unspecified FOD diagnosis and seizures. I have a written procedure for the teacher and school nurse to follow in case of hypoglycemia or seizures in school. Our son is going into kindergarten in the fall also. He was getting his speech and OT services through a district pre-k program. The elementary school is aware of his needs.


Undiagnosed FOD mom


I am struggling with our school district for my son’s needs. They feel he is going to be ok with a 504 Plan and I feel that he should continue to qualify for special education under IDEA with the category of Other Health Impaired. I am going to mediate with the district on July 21. I have some very good merits that I feel are fair principal. We’ll see what happens.


If your child has any suspected delays I think that you should request an evaluation by the school. The request needs to be in writing and should be sent to the principal and your district Special Education Director (remember to keep all copies for yourself, also). The school can test them for any O.T., Speech, P.T., L.D., or other services that they may qualify for. If she/he is not experiencing any significant delays, you can still request a 504 Plan be developed after your meeting. Your 504 plan can be as detailed as you want; don’t let the school tell you that it is too much. ADA will support you. If you need assistance you can call the Office for Civil Rights. You can contact an advocacy group in your area for help with this plan.


If you would like more information the Parent Education Project, in West Allis, WI has a beautiful packet (64 pages of easy reading) on 504s. If you are interested, their phone number is 414-328-5520. I have always had a frustrating time dealing with our schools for my son. I know how it feels to be unheard or misunderstood! I have two other children who have never had any special needs and there is certainly a huge difference; although, there shouldn’t be. If you are interested I could send you a copy of my son’s 504 draft. Let me know if I can be of further help.


Unclassified FOD mom


My daughter (MCA), age four, is supposed to start kindergarten this fall and will be put into the school daycare at the end of this month. I have been working with the district RN and trying my best to explain MCAD to her and let her know what needs to be done to properly take care of my daughter and she just doesn’t seem to understand the seriousness of this. The first conversation with her I thought went pretty well until she sent me a packet of information that she was sending to the school health clerk and teachers to “educate” them. It was all about diabetes! I e-mailed her a few weeks ago telling her how alarmed I was with this misunderstanding. I told her that the only thing she had in common with a diabetic was the tendency for hypoglycemia and even then that is comparing apples to oranges. A diabetic’s blood sugar can be brought right back up and stabilized but not my daughter’s. I explained to her that because she is not insulin-desensitized and does make insulin she will bring her sugar levels right back down. I told her that when she was ambulanced to the hospital with a blood sugar of 14 and put on a 5% dextrose IV, her sugar went back up to 88 and within 10 minutes was back down to 35.


Anyway, I say all that so that I can ask HAS ANYONE ELSE GONE THROUGH THIS??? I am soooo frustrated and don’t understand why an RN can’t understand but I can! I have an appointment with our new geneticist (we just moved here) on the 18th of this month and I told the nurse that I wanted her to come with us so that she could hear it straight from the doctor and if she had questions she could ask. Hopefully she will believe/understand the doctor. I was amazed that she said that she would go. I hope she gets it after this. If anyone has any suggestions or ideas please let me know.


MCAD mom


That is very alarming that the nurse confused MCAD with diabetes, although sometimes I’m afraid that people just don’t know what to do if they don’t have a frame of reference and have never experienced something before. It is good that she agreed to go to the doctors with you. What I have done for our son (VLCAD, going into 2nd grade) is prepare a write-up about VLCAD in layman’s terms and exactly how she is affected in school, including what accommodations need to be made for her. I then had a meeting with all people who would be involved with her (principal, OT, Speech Therapist, Special Ed Director, nurse and teachers) so that all of them understand. Maybe that might be a route for you, as personally I would not trust another person (even a nurse) to relay that information secondhand to the people who will be working directly with your daughter. Let me know if you would like to see the letter I prepared for school and I would be happy to email it to you (or anyone else who is interested).




I can sympathize with you!! My daughter, MCAD, 5, starts to school this fall. We had a letter with us when we went for registration explaining MCAD and stating we wanted to meet with the teacher BEFORE school starts. The school nurse was going to make a copy to give to the principal, but she didn’t while we were there. When we did not get a reply, I called and requested the principal call me back to discuss my daughter’s health problems. The secretary called me back, and wanted me to explain to her what the problem was. When I told her I needed to meet with the principal and Katie’s teacher, she stated they had not assigned classes yet.


I am going to give them until the week before school to call me back. If they haven’t called me then, I am going to call the Central Office and get them to set me up with an appointment. (They’ll probably claim they have meetings then and say they can’t meet with me.) We have been blessed with Katie; only extreme stomach viruses and one case of strep have put her in the hospital. But I have I terrible fear of a secretary leaving my child waiting in a school sick room when they need to call me, my husband or SOMEONE to come get her. If you have any luck with your school, let me know. I need some encouragement!


MCAD mom


My daughter has MCAD. She started kindergarten last year. She had a great year. I met with the school nurse and her aide before school started. I gave them the emergency protocol sheet and family information sheet about MCAD from Dr. Roe. I informed them that I needed to know immediately if she vomits or has diarrhea. They knew that she could go “down hill” quickly. She also had to have forms filled out for taking medication at school. Once again, there was no problem with this. After lunch, she would go to the office to see “Miss” Annie to get her carnitine. Medicine and emergency cards went with her on field trips also. She also has a medic alert bracelet. I met with her teacher and told her what to do if she got sick at school.


The school was even to contact me if another child in her class had a stomach virus. Our school requested that all students (K-5) bring a mid-morning snack to school. I supplied her teacher with the sugary cereal of choice – Froot Loops if she thought she was “too tired.” I am so sorry to hear of your experience. Stay on top of these people until they understand. I know that the office got tired of seeing me before school even started. The only problem we had was when a substitute did not call us when another child got sick (on my daughter). She just let her wash up and change her shirt. Strep, stomach viruses, colds, and flu made their rounds through the school several times. She got strep only once, but she never quit eating so she did fine.


MCAD mom


Oh, I am so glad that my children are out of school. There are so many issues with which to deal, not the least of which is an FOD problem. For those of you who are putting your dear FOD children in school for the first time, I’m sorry for you. I could tell you not to worry, things will work out, but it wouldn’t do any good, as you have to find out for yourselves.


The beginning of every year was a worry to me, but when I look back, I have to smile, as it worked out and my child almost always came home smiling. Different school systems are just that….different. Each state, county, city or town has very caring AND very indifferent individuals to deal with and HOW you handle them will greatly reflect how soon you will get what you want. My mother, when she was teaching me the ways of the world, always said, “Kill them with kindness.” That is advice that has taken me through some pretty difficult times when dealing with the school system. I hate confrontation. Just hate it! That’s too bad and a personality flaw that has done me in more than once. However, I have learned much in my many years (with four children) dealing with the school system.


Be firm. Say what you mean, and mean what you say. Be persistent. Don’t be obnoxious!!! Be nice, not nasty. Think through what you want and practice at home what you are going to say. Don’t get put off by the school secretary. SHE is the one to kill with kindness. You KNOW what you need to make school a pleasant experience for your child. (Don’t ever EVER talk in a negative way about anything to do with the school in front of your child….EVER.) Call the county office if you need to and then call the state if you need to, and know that you have the right to do that. These same people, who block you, are the same ones who would be screaming at the top of their lungs if it were their child.

Be a room mother/father, if you don’t work or can take off work. Volunteer for everything. I was a computer mom, on the school advisory board, volunteer for the teachers any time they needed something done (volunteered by my children a lot), and room mother for twenty years. I loved it and wanted to help and do my part. Then one day, I needed THEM. I needed help for my child and they were pretty good about giving her what she needed. Was that because they knew me so well??? I don’t know, but it didn’t hurt.


Learn what your child’s rights are in school. The ADA is a good place to start.


If you are in the school, and we all should be involved, you can see what goes on, feel the waters, so to speak. You can see how the other children react to your child, how the teacher treats your child, what your child’s needs are and what you can do to help them. Oh, by the way, do that at a distance from your child. Remember, mother rhymes with smother for a reason!!!


Continue to share your ups and downs about school with your FOD friends so that they may benefit from your experiences. You’ll find your way, I’m certain of it. Along the way you’ll teach the teachers and may learn something yourself. With all of you working together, your child will be fine.


I’ll be praying for you. 

Adult LCHAD mom


United Kingdom GA2 x 3 ‘Working with the schools to get what your child NEEDS!’


Hi Everyone in the FOD Family Support Group. My grandchildren, Jamie (9), Lewis (2½), and Emma (1½), all have GA 2 or MADD. To say the least, we have been overwhelmed at times with all of their needs (i.e., medical needs due to residual effects of late diagnoses), but this time we have GOOD NEWS to report!


The good news is, that after five years of talks and meetings with the Local Education Authority, they have decided that Jamie, because of her medical needs, should have a nurse with her so that she may attend her new mainstream school with safety. But it really has not been a smooth ride. It is the result of attending meeting after meeting for 5 years! Persistence is important!


In order to come out on top at these meetings it is vital to arrive at them prepared and ready to argue your point calmly. If a suggestion for a possible plan comes from one of the earlier meetings and you know it is unworkable for whatever reasons, the temptation will be to dismiss it ~ DON’T! Instead point out your doubts but agree to try it. Next, if something gets fouled up, document it ~ write it down including time, date, and staff involved. The school staff CAN BE your strongest support for your child, but they must be aware of your child’s particular problems and concerns. Discuss your doubts with them and don’t worry too much at this stage about the response you get. You’ll find out soon enough whether they have listened to you or not! We have learned that the hard way over the years!


Go ahead and let them try THEIR new plan (but you know it’s unrealistic) and watch it fall flat. The staff you have talked with will THEN remember your doubts and your suggestions. Remember that these are the people that have to make whatever plan is chosen work. You will need their input. Also never forget that they work for the people you are trying to influence (administrators). They know the way the system works and this is where they can help you.


Once you have a member of the staff that is able to understand your doubts and concerns ask them to make a report for you to take to the next progress meeting, because these issues are likely to be complex and having them written down will help others better understand your point of view. That staff member can be an advocate for your child at that next meeting and any future meetings. You now have someone that understands your child’s particular needs and problems (i.e. medical, physical, cognitive, emotional etc) and because they know how the system works, you can use them as a sounding board and support person just before meetings with other teachers and administrators.


You now have two people in that meeting (yourself and the staff member) that are aware of the facts at grass root level and believe me it really makes things a great deal easier. A word to the wise ~ these meetings will most likely make you very angry on occasion so learning to redirect that anger and get a fair deal for your child is VITAL! It worked and is still working for us.


Warmest wishes,

Woody and Company 


***Note from Deb: Thanks for all of your calls, Woody and Clare (GA2 mom) ~ I also REALLY enjoy talking with Jamie. Even though we can’t see each other and it’s sometimes difficult to hear her, I KNOW we are ‘connecting’ across the ocean in a very different and important way. Hugs your way too!


Student Project

Student Project by Anya Porter ~ Generalized Search Program to Find Correlations Between Medium Chain Acyl-Co enzyme A Dehydrogenase Deficiency and Other Conditions



Insurance Info

In the News

If you know of an article related to the disorders covered on our website, feel free to notify us so that we may post it for all to read.



Book Reviews




Q: What fats do MCADers need to avoid?


A: Fats are made up of long chains of carbon atoms. They are referred to as very long, long, medium and short chains depending on the number of those carbon atoms. Very long fats >20 or more carbon atoms, long 18-14, medium 12-4, short <4. Each chain length has specific dehydrogenase enzymes that cut off 2 carbons at a time when functioning normally. Hence, MCAD = Medium Chain Acyl CoA Dehydrogenase deficiency. In that disorder fats with carbon lengths between 12 and 4 cannot be broken down and toxins build up. Aside from MCT oil, most medium chain fats in our diets come from the normal breakdown of very long and long chain fats that are found in meats and dairy products. So we really cannot completely avoid eating these, and we would not want to because fats are critical to the normal development of our nervous system and hormone synthesis. So we eat wisely—lean, low fat meats and fish, veggies, fruits, etc. Avoid saturated and trans fats as much as possible. Avoid too many simple carbohydrates that create obesity—instead use complex carbohydrates like whole grains, brown rice, etc.—natural sources of essential (meaning we need to eat sources) fatty acids include canola, soy and walnut oils, salmon, etc. There are several Web sites that list fat chain lengths (i.e., selfnutitiondata). We often monitor comprehensive free fatty acids (C8-26) every 3-6 months, to make sure that the essential fatty acids stay in normal range because they help with immune function, nervous system function, hormones, growth, etc. We usually encourage our patients to avoid Olean and completely fat-free or nonfat foods. The bottom line though is that you need to monitor the saturated fats and foods with lots of long and very long chain fats. A metabolic dietitian is really critical in helping you with good diet choices.


Lynne Wolfe
Metabolic NP


Q: I have a daughter who was diagnosed with MCAD. Has anyone been told that their child carries two different mutations and that because of the two different mutations the MCAD is ‘mild?’ We still have her on a three- to four-hour feeding schedule, but I’m wondering why does having the two different mutations make a difference?


A: Many people with recessive genetic conditions (needing mutations in both copies of the gene to have the condition) have two different mutations. There are many places on a gene where a mutation can occur and two different mutations only reflect the parents’ individual genetic backgrounds. In the case of MCAD, it happens that the A985G mutation is by far the most common, and about 80% of patients have TWO copies of this mutation. So your daughter is not considered ‘mild’ because she has two different mutations, but because we know something about the nature of those mutations individually. The T199C is a newly discovered mutation that was only detected when states started screening for MCAD at birth. That meant that all these kids were diagnosed with MCAD before they ever had the opportunity to get sick and be diagnosed that way. Many of the kids diagnosed by newborn screening might NEVER have become ill from their MCAD, or only have been diagnosed much later in life during a very severe viral illness. The T199C mutation has not been seen in a child who was diagnosed by her symptoms, but is showing up a lot in kids diagnosed by newborn screening and so that implies that it is a mild mutation. Studies of the mutation and what it does to the enzyme show that it only mildly disrupts the way the enzyme works and so the enzyme works pretty well under normal conditions. If anyone is interested in reading a scientific journal article about MCAD mutations, below is an abstract from Andresen et al. American Journal of Human Genetics, 68, 1408-1418. With the exception of the T199C mutation, the best guide to whether your child is mild or not is her clinical picture and not her mutations. That is, how long can he/she generally fast before getting hypoglycemic, has she/he experienced normal childhood illnesses without needing special support, or did a cold or sinus infection put her into the hospital? Does she need cornstarch at night or a nighttime snack to avoid hypoglycemia in the morning or can she make it through without trouble? These are questions I’d encourage you to discuss with your metabolic team and are better indicators of how mild or severe she might be. Also, if your child was diagnosed years ago, they might not have identified the second mutation. The A985G mutation is so variable. Case in point: we just diagnosed a little girl with MCAD who is homozygous (has two copies of the same mutation) for A985G. She didn’t get hypoglycemic until she had an operation and had been fasting and then vomiting for 36 hours! So you really can’t make any predictions by using the mutations alone. I encourage all of you to discuss your questions with your metabolic team and a genetic counselor (if he/she is not part of the team already). You cannot depend on the mutations alone to predict how your child will do. This is not a black and white issue in terms of what is mild and severe, and having a label of ‘mild’ or ‘severe’ isn’t necessarily helpful either. There’s so much variability with MCAD (and other FODs); there are obviously other factors, but they’re not clearly understood. But we don’t need to understand exactly what makes one child more sensitive than another to treat that child appropriately. I think it’s best to realize that everybody who has children with MCAD (or other FOD) have that common bond over the diagnosis, but beyond that, each child is an individual. As with any medical condition, there are common ways to treat, but management really needs to be individualized. So talk to your doctors and nutritionists about your children and ask about the thinking behind their management decisions so you’ll have a good sense of your team’s approach to care.


Genetic Counselor


A: (additional comments from Lynne, Metabolic NP)
This is a perfect time to agree with Lisa’s comments above. FODs, OAs, and many other biochemical disorders really cannot be assigned a mild to severe label based on any DNA mutations alone – we have to look at how each individual reacts. In Genetics, there are two concepts that are critical. Phenotype = what the patient looks like physically, biochemically etc., AND Genotype = what the genes actually are. Most of the FODs have been studied to look for matches between Phenotype and Genotype because IF the Genotype really did dictate the Phenotype, we could manage disorders easily. That is not the case at all. There really is not any Phenotype/Genotype matches in any of these disorders. As Lisa said, each child is an individual and will present with symptoms of their FOD depending on their other Genetic predispositions, their environment, etc. We are all still learning about these disorders and how genes dictate our normal body functions. It will be a while until we can say for sure what the real impact is of all the genetic mutations we are still in the process of discovering. The difficulty is that humans have normal variations in genes called Polymorphisms and they occur in a predictable incidence in the normal population. When that is all that is found in a patient who has a disease, and it is unlikely that a common polymorphism is causing the disease but nothing else has turned up, it is occasionally labeled “mild” for want of any better explanation. However, it is more likely that either the patient has a “private” mutation (unique to their family) or a mutation that has not been previously discovered. We have LOTS to learn about Genetic disorders.


Q. Do you have information about the skin biopsy done for FOD diagnosis? How large is the area of biopsy, any sutures/steri strips? How long does it hurt afterwards? What is the average waiting time for results?


A. Skin biopsies taken for enzyme analysis require an amazingly small piece of tissue, 2-3mm. This can be accomplished with a Punch biopsy tool or scalpel. Usually the skin is numbed. Some Providers use some EMLA cream topically first. It should optimally be in place 30-60 minutes. (I personally write prescriptions for families and have the patch put on prior to arrival in Clinic. Then the child isn’t hanging around getting more nervous.) Some providers use a very small needle to put in some numbing medicine, like Lidocaine, right before the procedure. For enzyme analysis, it doesn’t matter where the tissue comes from so long as it is cleaned well, and not a pressure point that won’t heal well and may hurt more. On infants and small children, I like the upper, outside of the buttocks. It’s easy to hold them to get at this spot. They can’t see it or pick at it after it is done. Older kids will hold still, even if they aren’t happy. Under the arm is commonly used because even though the scar is very small, it will be completely hidden. Under the arm is also very important, if the tissue is to be looked at under the microscope for any reason. The wound is very small and doesn’t usually require stitches—sometimes steri-strips are used. Some type of dressing will be on top, a bandage, gauze or Tegaderm—it doesn’t really matter. It heals fast. It doesn’t hurt very long either. I think most kids just hate being held still, and are most upset by that, rather than the procedure itself which is usually very quick.


Results can take a while, several months sometimes. Bottom line is that the small piece of skin cells needs to grow large enough to get enough enzymes to test, that takes time, before any tests can even get done. Sometimes, skin cells grow slowly, and there is no way to speed that up. Patience is the word of the day. Waiting for results and answers will be hard.


Lynne A. Wolfe, MS, PNP, BC
Metabolic NP


Q. I have a question about low blood sugars and about not relying on them as an indicator of crisis. Hypoglycemia is not an indicator in all crisis situations. This is very important. I think this is a point that needs to be emphasized. Can someone elaborate on this?


A. The take home message from the Orlando Conference (Oct 2002) about low blood sugars was that for a long time, all FODs have been lumped together in a category of “hypoketotic hypoglycemia”—low ketones (or no ketones) and low blood sugar. Dr Roe, Dr Korson, Dr Rinaldo, Dr Winter, and the other speakers, all clarified that as we learn more about FODs, of which there are now 18 known, we are seeing different characteristics in each. Some, like MCAD and one type of VLCAD, are prone to low blood sugars—some are not. Also, in children who have had experiences with low blood sugar in the past, that may be their main red flag. And, infants and younger children tend to have more frequent low blood sugars than older children. HOWEVER, especially in children who are recognized and being treated, their symptoms may include lethargy, some other type of altered behavior etc., as they build up the toxic fatty acids during an acute illness or prolonged fast. You need to speak with your doctors to clarify what they feel is the most important concern for you and your child, based on their diagnosis and responses during illnesses.


Low Blood sugar is a very important symptom for some FODs. Normal blood sugar is 70-120, it might normally peak slightly higher after a meal, until Insulin is released and drives sugar into our cells to make energy. Infants are very prone to low blood sugar for several reasons, the biggest being they don’t have good stores of Glycogen, the body’s way of saving sugar for later use. Most Metabolic Specialists protect Infants with FODs from low blood sugar by having them eat every 4-6 hours. As we get older, develop more Glycogen and some other hormonal things change, we become less likely to experience low blood sugars—but in children with certain FODs it is still possible. So, in the older children, raw Cornstarch is used to provide a very slow release of sugar over a long period of time, 6-8 hours. This is why yesterday, I wrote that “under treatment” even those children with FODs that are associated with low blood sugars, usually do not experience low blood sugars. For sure, the only way to monitor for low blood sugar accurately, if that is something your Dr wants monitored, is to check it after 6 hours of fasting. If you check a blood sugar while Cornstarch is still being absorbed or after you have given your child something to eat or drink—the blood sugar will appear normal even if it wasn’t and then your Metabolic Specialist has no way of knowing how best to treat your child.


Lynne A. Wolfe, MS, PNP, BC
Metabolic NP


Q. Can you please address elevated ammonia issues and FODs? From my reading, I believe that once a child is symptomatic from elevated ammonia levels (i.e. vomiting), it must be treated. If it is not treated, it may get worse and lead to more problems like lethargy, coma and death.


A. Ammonia is a normal chemical in our bodies from the breakdown of proteins. It can come from the proteins we eat or from the breakdown of our muscles and other body proteins that occur normally every day. Most Ammonia is broken down further in the Liver into Urea, which leaves our bodies in our urine. Ammonia levels can rise when the Liver is not able to work correctly from an infection, or a metabolic disorder affecting the enzyme function of the Liver. The Liver can be affected by many Metabolic disorders. “Reye-like” Syndromes have been associated with children who have undiagnosed Metabolic disorders, especially FODs. It is believed that high Ammonia levels can contribute to the lethargy we often see when children are diagnosed with Reye’s Syndrome. Ammonia levels can become very high and cause severe problems, including coma and death, especially when the children are in an unrecognized metabolic crisis. There is a very complete list of the metabolic disorders that have been associated with “Reye-Like” Syndromes, and how undiagnosed metabolic Disorders and true Reye-Syndrome differ on the FOD Web site under Medical Information. Ammonia is measured in a blood test. It is a technically finicky test requiring fast, non-tourniquet drawing, sometimes arterial, rather than venous blood, it must be put in ice immediately, and run in a very short period of time or the results can be falsely elevated. It is affected by when your last meal was eaten, how well the Liver is working etc. For children with FODs this would not be a routine test, but it would be considered if your child were very ill and lethargic.


Lynne A. Wolfe, MS, PNP, BC
Metabolic NP


Q. Our child was recently diagnosed with an FOD. How can I explain the seriousness of the disorder to relatives, friends, teachers, etc., without alarming them?


A. If you have suffered the death of a child(ren) and/or a near-death episode, conveying that information to relatives, friends, teacher, etc., will quickly enlighten them as to the seriousness of an FOD, as well as to the ramifications of not diligently treating your present FOD child. Not having the individuals panic after hearing that information is a real balancing act, however.


One possible way of approaching this situation is by having a talk with the individual explaining some of your concerns and fears of coping with an FOD. After discussing how the disorder has affected your family (death or near death of child), shifting your discussion from death to focusing on your present child’s FOD concerns and needs, as well as on the hopefulness for a ‘normal’ lifetime, may be a helpful way of keeping all those involved from panicking. They are aware of what can happen, but their immediate concern is to meet your child’s needs while at school, daycare, or in your home.


In your discussion, you can explain a few guidelines that need to be followed (i.e. eat frequently, low-fat meals and snacks, and possibly taking carnitine at certain times). Your guidelines will vary depending on what situation your child is in (i.e. all-day daycare, school, short-term babysitter). Some parents find it helpful to have a complete schedule written out giving times for carnitine, meals, etc. This way the caregiver does not need to make major decisions about when to do these things. They may feel more comfortable if everything is written down and explained. Be sure to highlight the most important details, but try not to make it so detailed so as to overwhelm the individual.


In summary, stressing the seriousness of the FOD is important, but having the individual meet your child’s needs is the immediate concern. This balancing act may become easier over time and as you feel more confident in discussing and actually working through your child’s well- and sick-routines.


Deb Lee Gould, Director
FOD Family Support Group


Q. Why is carnitine suggested for some of the fatty oxidation disorders and what is its purpose?


A. The production of energy takes place in the mitochondria, the “power plants” of the cell. Fatty acids are the preferred energy source for the mitochondria, especially for muscle and heart cells. Entrance of most fats (i.e., long chain fats) into the mitochondria requires a carrier molecule called carnitine. Once inside the mitochondria, the fats are metabolized in a process called fatty acid oxidation to produce ATP (a chemical form of energy).


Carnitine also serves a second important role in the mitochondria where it functions to remove toxic organic acid (OA) compounds. This scavenging function is important since high concentrations of these OA compounds impair the mitochondria’s ability to produce ATP. After removing these compounds from the mitochondria, the carnitine-organic acid compound is eliminated in the urine. This loss frequently leads to carnitine deficiency if supplemental carnitine is not provided.


If carnitine concentrations are inadequate, entry of fatty acids into the mitochondria are blocked. In addition, scavenging of the toxic OA compounds is impaired leading to a buildup inside the mitochondria. This results in a depressed production of ATP and causes the person to exhibit signs and symptoms of low energy production (i.e. floppy appearance, poor growth. weakness. lethargy) and dysfunction of multiple organs including heart, muscle, liver, and brain.


We receive a significant amount of carnitine from foods we eat. The average diet contains approximately 100-300 mg of carnitine derived mostly from red meats, poultry, and dairy products; strict vegetarians have low carnitine intakes. Our bodies can also synthesize carnitine from proteins we eat.


Newborns have less synthetic capacity to make carnitine than children and adults. Carnitine has been added to most infant formulas and is also found in mothers’ breast milk. Carnitine is supplemented in many of the special formulas designed to treat organic acidemias. But usually additional carnitine, administered separately, is recommended in the treatment of some of the fatty acid disorders.


Especially during times of illness and metabolic stress, the defective enzyme results in a buildup of the toxic OA compounds. These compounds bind to carnitine in the mitochondria and are then excreted in the urine. This excessive loss may lead to a carnitine deficiency if not adequately replaced.


[This information was taken from an article written by Elaina Jurecki, MSRD & John Baker, MD of the Regional Metabolic Center, Kaiser Permanente. Oakland, CA. It was printed in the Organic Acidemia Newsletter August 1994.]


Q. What is the difference between Newborn Screening (NBS) and the acylcarnitine profile?


A. Tandem MS (MS/MS or tandem mass spectrometry) is a technology that is used in various ways to measure many different compounds. Specific tandem MS methods can detect elevated levels of biochemical compounds in blood that are useful for diagnosing many inherited disorders of metabolism. It is important to realize that the different types of tandem MS tests are designed to detect specific disorders and therefore may not diagnose some diseases. Supplemental Newborn Screening is typically done in conjunction with state newborn screening and may include other tests in addition to tandem MS.To determine what your child may be tested for, one should request an information sheet from your testing laboratory. This should list what disorders will be tested for, such as amino acid disorders, organic acid disorders, fatty acid oxidation disorders or other types of disorders.


For patients with clinical symptoms or family histories of inherited metabolic disorders, diagnostic tests for specific disorders are much more appropriate than a general screen. The specific tests, such as urine organic acids, plasma amino acids, plasma or dried blood spot acylcarnitines should be determined and ordered by clinicians based on the clinical symptoms.


Supplemental Newborn Screening by tandem MS: In our laboratory, the Supplemental Newborn Screening is done by tandem MS for amino acids and acylcarnitines. The test can detect more than 30 inherited disorders of amino acid, organic acid and fatty acid metabolism. It is an inexpensive screening test with dried blood spots designed for screening healthy newborns at 2-3 days of age. It is not recommended for the diagnosis of children with clinical symptoms. Cut offs for normal levels of amino acids and acylcarnitines in newborns are chosen to minimize false positives. Approximately 1% shows some slight elevation of an amino acid or acylcarnitine which causes us to request a repeat dried blood spot card to see if the slight elevation is significant. Usually the repeat is normal. The false negative rate is not known but is believed to be very low. In order for this test to be inexpensive ($25), it is highly automated. The quantitative results are analyzed automatically by tandem MS computer programs for “normality” using cut offs established for different groups of subjects. Although the screening is most accurate for newborns it is still worthwhile to perform for older infants if they were not screened in the newborn period.


Quantitative Acylcarnitine profile by tandem MS is a more expensive test designed for the differential diagnosis of fatty acid oxidation and organic acid disorders in children with clinical symptoms or family histories suggestive of these disorders. This can be performed on dried blood spots, plasma, postmortem blood (or amniotic fluid with prior consultation). Because it is intended for diagnostic evaluation, the cut offs used for acylcarnitines are lower and every profile is examined by a technician for any abnormalities in the mass spectrum, including peaks that are not part of the quantitative analysis. Every profile is reviewed by an experienced professional and reported with a professional interpretation. The acylcarnitine profile does not include amino acid disorders.


Dr. Larry Sweetman, PhD (now retired) and Staff
Institute of Metabolic Disease
Baylor University Medical Center


Q. What is the difference between an Amino Acid and an Organic Acid?


A. Amino Acids are the building blocks from which proteins are made. They are chemical compounds, which have an acid group and also a basic amino group, which is why they are called amino acids. The proteins in our bodies and our diets are made up of various combinations of about 20 different amino acids. There are about another twenty amino acids which are not usually part of proteins but have other roles in metabolism. An example of an amino acid disorder is PKU in which the amino acid phenylalanine cannot be metabolized properly.


Organic acids include a wide variety of chemicals, which have an acid group but not an amino group. Included in the organic acids are fatty acids, which come from the breakdown of fats and oils. An example of a fatty acid metabolic disorder is MCAD deficiency.


Some organic acids also come from the metabolism of sugars. An example of an organic acid disorder related to the metabolism of sugars is lactic acidemia. In the metabolism of many amino acids, the amino group is removed to yield an organic acid. So there are several organic acid metabolic disorders, which are due to defects in the metabolism of amino acids.


An example is isovaleric acidemia, which is due to a defect in the metabolism of organic acids derived from the amino acid leucine. To make things more complicated, the disorder called maple syrup urine disease has both elevated amino acids and elevated organic acids derived from these amino acids.


Larry Sweetman, Ph.D (now retired)
Institute of Metabolic Disease
Director, Mass Spectrometry Lab, Dallas, TX


Q. What does an elevated SGOT mean?


A. SGOT (aka AST) is one the liver function tests we monitor in children with FODs or OAs. It is mostly found in the liver, but some can be found in the heart, skeletal muscle, pancreas, kidney, lung, and white blood cells. So it is not very specific to the liver. The liver enzymes SGPT (aka ALT) & GGT are much more specific to the liver and if they are OK – don’t worry. On top of being not very specific to the liver, SGOT also fluctuates day-to-day by as much as 10%, and it does change depending on other things going on ~ for example if the muscle form of CK (aka CPK) is elevated, the damaged muscle cells release SGOT too. So it is very common to see elevated CK and SGOT together. And yes, low elevations of both do occur in various FODs. One thing to do is talk with your Doctor/Dietitian about checking to be sure you or your child is getting enough overall calories. Sometimes, adding extra calories (from carbohydrates) stops the muscle breakdown. Most children with FODs and OAs need more calories than a child at their same age might.


Lynne A. Wolfe, MS, PNP, BC
Metabolic NP



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